Centuries ago, Earth was shattered by a cataclysmic solar eruption. The disaster laid waste to modern civilization, reducing towering cities to mere ashes and evaporating the planet's water reserves. Amidst this desolation, water emerged as the most precious commodity, epitomizing hope, purity, and the promise of rebirth. Whispers of "Azraq", an endless water source birthed from a runic stone, began to circulate.
Urban survivors propagated tales of Azraq's existence deep within the abyss of bottomless dungeons. No soul has confirmed its reality, but the mere possibility spurred the establishment of villages encircling these dungeons. Here, guilds of intrepid adventurers have taken root, venturing into the bowels of the earth on a quest to uncover Azraq's truth.
Post-eruption, bereft of technology, humanity regressed to an elemental existence, relearning the ancient crafts of hunting, fishing, farming, and building by hand. Nature reclaimed the ruins of our ancestors, obliterating the imprints of a once-advanced society. In the shadow of forgotten technologies, clans coalesced, forging new bonds in pursuit of solidarity and protection against an unforgiving world.
The descendants of those who endured evolved into distinct races, each boasting unique attributes:
Ratib: Born of Roman lineage, they uphold a legacy of discipline, structure, and leadership.Simak: Viking progeny, they exude valor, honor, and meticulousness.Alrad: Descendants of an ancient Arabic civilization, these wolf-men embody a profound sense of justice and dignity.Firas: Lizard-folk, tracing back to Ancient Egypt, renowned for their strength, insight, and creativity.
You hail from these resilient survivors. The sagas of old regale the feats of heroes who thrived amid chaos and sought Azraq's legend.
Now, your saga unfolds. Traverse the untamed wilderness, harness resources, erect settlements, engage in commerce, and seek the clandestine Azraq. Align with guilds, engage in village skirmishes, and etch your name into the annals of this parched world, where water equates to life itself.
Your fate rests in your grasp. Confront the emergent trials and script your epic in this post-apocalyptic expanse where the only limit is your ambition.
Adventure awaits in our growing Discord community. Join our 400+ members and discover all things about Azraq.